Bendy and the Ink Machine™ is an intriguing first-person puzzle-action-horror title with a unique cartoon aesthetic that will keep you on your toes. The game follows the story of Henry, a renowned animator from the golden age of 1930s cartoons. Having worked at Joey Drew Studios, he was known for bringing to life Bendy, a popular and beloved character. Years later, he receives an intriguing invitation from Joey Drew himself, inviting him back to the old cartoon workshop. The game invites you on a riveting journey back into the animated past, where you grapple with a world of sketchy madness and cartoonish nightmares.
The game offers a variety of gameplay styles, including first-person combat, horror, puzzles, stealth, and a trove of hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.
Immerse yourself in a stunningly crafted cartoon world, made with love by a small indie studio.
Bendy and the Ink Machine doesn't allow you a moment of respite - you must keep on fighting the darkness, escaping the Ink Demon and fearing the Machine.
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How To Play
Our editor can't recommend Bendy and the Ink Machine enough - it delivers a perfect blend of action, adventure, and eerie horror that will keep you hooked.
If you're a fan of vintage cartoons and enjoy a good fright, then this game is definitely for you. Its unique story, immersive gameplay, and beautifully crafted world will keep you coming back for more.