Delve into the magical world of Hogwarts in the new Harry Potter: Magic Awakened app. Developed by NetEase and co-published by WB Games, this role-playing and card collection game brings the enchanting world of Harry Potter to your fingertips. Join a new generation of witches and wizards at Hogwarts, a decade after the defeat of Voldemort. Master the magic, explore the wizarding world, and take part in multiplayer duels, as you live out your personal adventure in the wizarding world.
Magic Awakened sets itself apart from traditional card collection games by introducing real-time multiplayer duels where you can select, cast spells, and summon fantastic beasts. As you explore Hogwarts, you can role-play and customise your witch or wizard with wands, brooms, outfits and more from Diagon Alley. Attend classes and collect new magic cards, brew potions, learn Harry Potter lore and even venture into the Forbidden Forest to collect rare ingredients, and fend off magical creatures. The game also offers a Dance Club feature where you can invite your friends and impress them with your dancing skills.
How To Play
If you're a Harry Potter fan, Magic Awakened is a must-try. It brilliantly captures the essence of the wizarding world while offering a whole new perspective through challenging quests and real-time duels. The unique combination of RPG and CCG elements had me hooked from the get-go. The graphic details and the simpleness of the gaming controls are commendable too. For those seeking to immerse themselves in the spellbinding world of Harry Potter, there's no better place than Magic Awakened. It's truly a magical journey worth embarking on.